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English: An illustration of the fairy tale The...

English: An illustration of the fairy tale The Story of Deirdre created by John D. Batten for Joseph Jacob’s collection Celtic Fairy Tales. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: An illustration of the fairy tale The...

English: An illustration of the fairy tale The Story of Deirdre created by John D. Batten for Joseph Jacob’s collection Celtic Fairy Tales. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: An illustration of the fairy tale The...

English: An illustration of the fairy tale The Story-Teller at Fault created by John D. Batten for Joseph Jacob’s collection Celtic Fairy Tales. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Do You Want A Sales Page That Pulls Those Customers In? You Must Have A Story

Fred Horstman PhotoBy Fred Horstman on October 07, 2013
Don’t we all love a good story?

If you can become a great story teller, then you can make a lot of money on internet.

If your product is just another “How To Make Money Online” product, then it won’t be pulling in much money. But if your product has a story, then that’s going to make a world of difference. Imagine you had a story that read, ‘ Divorced mother with 3 kids is one step from homeless until she found this unbelievable money making secret’. Now that is a great story disguised as a sales page or that is a sales page disguised as a great story. Which one? Well, anyway, it is weird hype, but it sells.

People need to identify with you. They need to find common ground with you, because it makes it easier for them to justify to themselves why they should buy your product.

Let’s not go into the psychology of all this because that is too deep, but every person who reads your sales page is having an inner discussion with themselves. They’re looking for what the ‘catch’ is in your sales letter, but at the same time they’re also trying to convince themselves why they should buy it. Haven’t you done it? I sure have.

Experts will probably tell you differently, of course, but they’re wrong. And they don’t make money by writing sales copy. They make their money telling us why we do the things we do.

My advice to you is to listen to your emotions the next time you read a good sales page. It’s like when you were a child listening to a fairy story. You know that it’s not all true, but you want to believe it and all you need is a good reason to believe and you’re hooked. The reason is personal empathy. So write a story you would like to hear.

All the best sales pages try to ‘connect’ with you in some way. That’s why the rags to riches stories always work. You’ve heard them. Those ‘I used to be sleeping in my car with debt up to my ears, but now I earn $100,000 a month’ stories work. Why? Because you are or have been in a similar position, and you want the same lifestyle, with the house, cars, and boat, as the person in the sales copy. In your head you are them. You are the Wannabe.

To see if this really works, try split testing your products. Have a sales page that just focuses on the features and benefits of the product on one site, and the exact same sales page, but with a personal story attached on a different site. Advertise to the same target market and see which one sells better.

After you have learned this technique and are making money online, then you can make even more money by teaching others how to do it. How? Tell them what you did and sell them your story about how you learned to make money.

Gurus use stories to great effect. Read the sales pages of the guru’s big launches. Listen and watch the videos. It’s all empathy. They are personal stories about things the reader can relate to. They even tell you stories about how they are not going to tell you stories. It’s a huge selling trick. I really works. Try it. Oh. are the stories the guru tells real? Well, sorry, I can’t tell you. Only that guru knows.

Read more: Do You Want A Sales Page That Pulls Those Customers In? You Must Have A Story http://www.sooperarticles.com/internet-articles/internet-marketing-articles/do-you-want-sales-page-pulls-those-customers-you-must-have-story-1255837.html#ixzz2hG4jj3uv
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